Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I have no idea how to pronounce this group's name... but I am 'bout it

Spotlight: Algiers

Algiers is a post-punk gospel influenced band from Atlanta Georgia

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Spotlight: Ibeyi

"Ibeyi are 19 year old French Cuban twins, Naomi and Lisa-Kainde Diaz. They are daughters of the late Cuban percussion Anga Diaz. Naomi plays percussive instruments, the Cajon and the Batas, while Lisa plays piano. Together the twins combine modern pop, hip-hop and electronic influences with the traditional sounds of their father's Yorùbán culture." XL Records

Tree Livin'

The Cinder Cone from Farm League on Vimeo.